Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Spend Your $ on Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetable!

We have all heard “eat your fruits and vegetable” once in a while. The Pharmacy industry seems to be in business and BIG. Have you wondered why you are asked “how much did you spend out of pocket medical expenses?” when you are filling your Tax Return Form? Well is because a ridiculous chunk of our income does go towards medication(s). Recently I was reading an article about Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables (PFV), and confirmed where I rather spend my hard earned money. I was reading this article for the purpose of reducing the risks of developing chronic disease, and studies have shown financial stress is a crucial factor in chronic stress.
            As a nutrition geek, I know I have to eat my leafy greens and citrus food group; however this definition of powerhouse fruits and vegetable breaks it down! In this article Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetable is defined in 17 nutrients of public health importance for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Institute of Medicine. The characteristics for PFV were: leafy greens, yellow/orange, citrus, and cruciferous food items. The nutrients tested were: potassium, fiber, protein, calcium, iron, thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), folate, zinc, retinoid (vit A), pyridoxine (B6), cobalamin (B12), ascorbic acid ( vit C), calciferol ( vit D), tocopherol (vit E), and quinone (vit K); depending on the type of vitamin and their source the name may be slightly different.
            This research found eight nutrients: fiber, folate, zinc, and vitamins B6, B12, C, D, and E as nutrient protective agents against some cancers and heart diseases. These eight nutrients scored 100 % of Daily Value of the qualifying nutrients per 100 calories. The nutrient density scoring system was on a scale of 10.47 - 122.68 with a medium score of 32.23 and a correlation with PFV groups of P = .001, making their finding very significant.
What to eat but not limited to.
Leafy Greens
Chard, beet green, spinach, chicory, leaf lettuce.
Carrots, tomato, winter squash, sweet potato.
Lemon, orange, lime, grapefruit.
Watercress, Chinese cabbage, collard green, kale, arugula.
Scallion and leek.
Strawberry and blackberry.

The scoring system was a platform with a purpose of educating people about nutrient density. The overall consumer message is to incorporate these food items in your everyday diet. Build an overall lifestyle that incorporates a balanced diet and physical activity as the first source of disease prevention.

            The easiest and fastest way to get all these great nutrients is in a smoothie. Due to the preparation method of smoothies, you will get the most nutrient for your buck. So get creative and adventurous! Check your social media for great, fast, and easy recipes that will make your life easier and will nourish your body. Share your favorite recipe!

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